
In today’s digital age, learning how to start a virtual book club has never been easier, and thanks to the myriad of online platforms available it is easier than ever to deliver. Whether you want to connect with friends and fellow book enthusiasts from around the world or are looking for a convenient way to discuss your favorite reads without leaving the comfort of your home, virtual book clubs offer a fantastic solution. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of starting a virtual book club using different online platforms, making it easy and enjoyable for bookworms of all kinds.

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Define Your Book Club’s Goals and Structure

Before you jump into choosing an online platform, it’s essential to establish your book club’s goals and structure. Consider the following aspects:

  • What is the main purpose of your book club? Is it for casual discussions, in-depth literary analysis, or something else?
  • How often will you meet, and what will be the preferred meeting time?
  • What genres or types of books will you focus on? (It’s your book club so you get to pick!)
  • Will you have a leader or moderator to facilitate discussions? (Think ahead! If your club gets big you may need the help.)
  • Do you want an open or closed group, where anyone can join, or membership is selective? (There are bonuses to both!)

Having a clear vision will help you select the most suitable platform and attract members who share your interests and goals.

Choose the Right Online Platform

Selecting the right online platform is crucial for the success of your virtual book club. Here are some popular options to consider:

  • Facebook Groups: Facebook offers a straightforward way to create a private or public book club group. Members can engage in discussions, share reading recommendations, and organize events like virtual meetings. There are some drawbacks with using Facebook and the main one I have seen is many people just don’t like social media. I think it has a purpose in the book club model.
  • Goodreads: Goodreads is a book lover’s haven. You can create a group dedicated to your book club, where members can rate and review books, participate in discussions, and track their reading progress. I love Goodreads for tracking books and for the yearly reading challenge. You can follow me on Goodreads to see what I am reading now.
  • Zoom: For live video discussions, Zoom is a reliable option. When hosting virtual book club meet-ups Zoom comes in handy for scheduling those meetings. Conveniently, the platform also provides features for sharing screens and documents.
  • Discord: Discord offers a versatile platform for text, voice, and video communication. You can create a server dedicated to your book club, with different channels for various discussions and activities.
  • Meetup: Meetup allows you to create an event-based group focused on in-person or virtual meetups. It’s an excellent choice if you want to meet people in your local area.

Full disclosure, I have never used Discord or Meetup personally but I do know others who have used them and liked them for this purpose.

Set Up Your Online Book Club

There is a lot to consider when you are learning how to start a virtual book club. So, once you’ve chosen the platform that best suits your book club’s goals and preferences, consider following these steps to set it up:

  1. Create the Group: On platforms like Facebook and Goodreads, you can create a dedicated group for your book club. Customize it with a catchy name (name it after your blog if you have one), a profile picture, and a welcoming description.
  2. Invite Members: Share the group link with friends, colleagues, or fellow book enthusiasts who might be interested in joining your book club. Think outside of the box here and don’t limit yourself. Share on social media if you have a following. You can add a link in your bio on Instagram, create a post on Facebook, or create a pin for Pinterest that links to the group you created.
  3. Establish Ground Rules: It is important to define clear guidelines and rules for your book club to ensure respectful and productive discussions. Consider things like etiquette, meeting schedules, and participation expectations.
  4. Choose Your First Book: Decide on your inaugural book and set a reading schedule. Make sure it’s easily accessible, whether through libraries, e-books, or affordable purchases. Link up to the book of choice via various purchase options and be sure to remind your club members to check local libraries for a free option to read the book. 
  5. Promote Engagement: Encourage members to actively participate in discussions, post reviews, and suggest future book selections. Use the platform’s features to schedule events and polls.

Foster Meaningful Discussions

The heart of any book club is the conversations it generates. Keep your discussions engaging by:

  • Selecting thought-provoking questions to kickstart conversations.
  • Encouraging members to share their thoughts and insights.
  • Embracing diverse perspectives and opinions.
  • Allowing space for both serious literary analysis and light-hearted banter.


Learning how to start a virtual book club using online platforms is a fantastic way to connect with fellow book lovers, discover new reads, and engage in stimulating discussions without the need for a physical meeting space. By defining your club’s goals, selecting the right platform, and fostering meaningful discussions, you’ll create a vibrant and enjoyable community of readers. Happy reading!

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